Ottawa County is the fastest growing county in the state. In order to service this growing population, new methods and technologies must be implemented to maintain our level of service as we seek to maintain living up to the standards that have historically been set by the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office. Eric DeBoer is committed to looking to the future of policing without neglecting the level of service the citizens of Ottawa County had come to expect.
With a large group of seasoned deputies approaching their retirement date, the ending of traditional pension systems and a change in the perception of law enforcement as a career, a nationwide police shortage has affected the profession. Added to that is the length of time that it takes to prepare a new deputy to be trained to operate on their own in the community. Eric DeBoer is committed to finding new ways to attract and retain qualified applicants who believe in the policing model that is based on its service to the citizens and victims of Ottawa County, while not lowering the entry standards.
Those who are the victims of crime deserve the time and attention of law enforcement. Daily Ottawa County sheriff’s deputies encounter those who have been victimized and are known for taking the extra time to serve these victims. Eric DeBoer understands the victims of crime require time and attention in the criminal justice system. This will continue when he is Sheriff.
Ottawa County’s record growth has placed increasing demand on providing service to our residents. As Undersheriff, Eric DeBoer understands that tax dollars must be spent wisely in meeting resident needs in the future.